The Project
The Reason
Creative activities for those with dementia provide a sense of accomplishment. In addition, it challenges different areas of the brain, enhances cognitive function, and helps motor functions. For myself, on the days where I haven't lost all my patience I reap the reward and comfort of emotional connection with my mom.
My Mom
Mom has PCA, the right side of her brain is shrinking, underlying cause - Alzheimer’s. A genetic disease that has struck three generations of our family. I have 1 of the 4 variants.
Alzheimer's changes a person in ways you can't imagine. Looking back I see the similarities with my grandfather and my mother. They are similar to a loon. No longer a social bird, a solitary creature or at least in their mind. She relies on a support system much like a loon relying on water
She's always been a great artist but as her disease has progressed her ability to follow direction and spacial awareness has decreased. She can't sit still. She wants to have a job. She wants to help find a cure.
The Objective
Winters are hard - when all the other birds fly south. Mom stays up North with me. Last year I noticed a pretty big set back in cognitive function. I feared this winter and how I could keep her stimulated enough while I worked a full time job.
I have no idea how I thought about prints - but thought ultimately if I could carve it - she could stamp. As time has passed, she continues to decline and I continue to morph the project so she can still participate.
The Mission
I read somewhere (ironically I can't remember where) that some spiritual cultures believe that water is a symbol for dreams and multiple levels of consciousness - therefore, Loons teach us to follow our hopes, dreams and wishes.
It is my hope that this project gets us through this season and many more seasons of change without more setbacks.
It is my wish there is a cure for my moms dementia, a cure for Alzheimers.
It is my dream that this project raises money to help find a cure for future generations.
This is our journey to raise money to find a cure, to spread kindness, awareness, love and inclusivity through The Loon Project.
50% of each sale will be given to the Alzheimer's Association in support of their mission and the rest will go toward supporting our mission.